The best way to get involved once you’re a member is to join a committee or council. Each of these groups has fun opportunities and useful information for all their members. Check out the Calendar of Events to see the next upcoming council meeting.

Professional Women in Building
The NAHB Professional Women in Building Council (PWB) is the voice of women in the building industry — dedicated to promoting industry professionalism and supporting members at the local, state, and national levels. Through education, professional development, and networking opportunities, PWB helps members acquire and develop invaluable leadership and business management skills that boost career success. The council also offers various national recognition programs, scholarships, and awards.
Annual Dues: $75
Staff Contact: Ashlyn Charbonnet

Associates Council
This active council plans, promotes, and runs yearly networking events. This volunteer-based council is a fun & easy way to start networking, and learn the inner-workings of HBA.

Remodelers Council
The RC meets regularly to provide members with a roundtable discussion forum with others in their industry. Develops and implements programs, services and networking opportunities for the remodeler and associate membership of the association.
Annual Dues: $75

Multifamily Council
The Multifamily Council of Greater New Orleans is a network of developers, builders, owners, managers and associate members with a common goal: the growth, recognition and success of the multi-family industry. Develops and implements programs, services and networking opportunities for builders and associates involved or interested in the construction, management, and sale of multifamily housing.
Annual Dues: $200 (+ optional $25 per community)
Past Presidents Council (Included in Builder Dues)
The Past Presidents Council is a group of members who have served as President of the association’s board of directors. The council is usually chaired by the most Immediate Past President of the Board who is also granted one seat on the Board of Directors. Members of the Past Presidents Council elect two additional members to the Board of Directors. Their years of experience in the industry, understanding of the association’s history, and leadership skills makes their contributions invaluable.
Sales and Marketing Council ($75)
Develops programs and services on sales and marketing topics to assist builders and their staffs sell new homes and understand the economics of the housing market.